Creative briefs and commissions | Working remotely for global interestsSay hello with any queries, creative briefs, or
Slinky siamese cat with photoshop exaggerated ears and graphic wood grain, embedded forever in resin table top.
Commissioned bespoke clothes labels where the individual stitches come together to create the text. The beautiful Wolfie, helping me do my marketing job at 'City Limits' magazine. Used this image on t-shirts, posters and pin badges. Loved the fact that the gig posters I also designed got nicked from the venues.
Neville Brody, yes him himself, passed this job onto me when I was a designer working with him on the redesign of 'City Limits' as he knew I loved politics and illustration, but not Thatcher. Part of a poster series sold nationally via The Guardian for Red Wedge.Inky hand-writing and crunched up captions for a launch spread in 'Bite' magazine. Good concept, great writers like Bonnie Vaughan, but odd management.Vogue promotions. Took a long meeting to decide whether it was O.K for the logo to be temporarily recreated as I had designed it. I thought it was more impactful and didn't really understand at the time how sacrosanct their logo was! But it got passed.Experimenting with pyrography to make each 'moment' the same but simultaneously unique.