Selected for the Creative Reactions Project | Pint of Science 2018 | artists & scientist collaboration

I’ve been assigned to the “Beautiful Mind” topic, and have been matched with Doretta Caramaschi whose expertise is in Neurodevelopmental epigenetics

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been selected for the Creative Reactions Project, part of the Pint of Science Festival 2018.

Started as an initiative to take science into the community in an accessible way, the festival now joins over 100 cities around the world, with 32 across the UK. For the second consecutive year, they are collaborating with Creative Reactions and matching artists with scientists to create original artwork to be exhibited in:
Hamilton House, Bristol, between 10th May – 23rd May 2018.

I’ve been assigned to the “Beautiful Mind” topic, and have been matched with Doretta Caramaschi whose expertise is in Neurodevelopmental epigenetics.

Really excited and feeling privileged to hear about this fascinating area from an expert in her filed. Having always been drawn to the edges of things where science, spirituality and art converge, this promises to be an enthralling project. I hope to harness what I learn and manifest the ideas into something to share with others.

Do You Dream (or Design ) in Colour?